Anti-Corruption Committee of the Association
Anti-Corruption Committee of the Association aims at making corruption in the defense and security sector an exception. We create toxic environment for officials and politicians where being corrupt is highly unfavorable due to the «high price» of punishment – reputational, criminal, material.
UADSI started its operation in April 2015 and was officially registered in July 2015. Since that time Organization conducted a large number of investigations, developed over 15 publications on its recourses, on TV, held 4 press conferences and 3 roundtables for more than 30 anti-corruption activists. Our investigations were cited in over 25 publications in local and national media.
Key project related to integrity of the defense and security sector «Enhancing Capacity to Fight Corruption and Pursue Financial Investigations in Ukraine» (01/2017–02/2018). The project aimed at training specialists from both private and public sectors and launch laboratory of financial investigations and develop methodology of anti-corruption and conflict of interest investigation. As a result of the project implementation, the joint laboratory at National Fiscal Service University was started, equipment and software were installed, 20 civic activists and civil servants were trained and certified, a new methodology of international anti-corruption investigations developed and implemented into the University Curriculum. Project Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.